Selecting Online Data Warehouses


Por , Publicado em agosto 28, 2023 06:00

The aim of online data warehouses is to store data in a stable, standardized system that is accessible to all relevant employees for making decisions. They serve as an historical archive of data and a single source for truth, allowing users to compare data gathered from various sources without relying outdated information.

When it comes to choosing the appropriate architecture, platform and tools for a data warehouse, there are a lot of things to consider. For instance, should the warehouse be installed on-premises or in the cloud? Should it employ extract transform and loads (ETL) methods or direct-to-database integration? How often should data be refreshed? What data capture capabilities be used to capture updates and feed them into the warehouse? In the end, choosing the appropriate technologies should be based on the organization’s specific business needs.

For instance the bicycle manufacturer might make use of its data warehouse to discover more about the trends and customer behavior. It might find that women over 50 comprise a majority of its customers, and might be interested in finding out more about the retail outlets that these customers prefer to shop for bicycles. This information can help the company improve its marketing and development strategies.

Alternately an IT team might use its data warehouse to assist the process of auditing and regulatory compliance by efficiently providing historical records to be reviewed. This could save an organization time and resources by eliminating redundant information.

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